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Objectives and Special Features


To develop in each pupil

• Core Academic Skills.

• An Area of Depth and Excellence.

• Self-esteem and a feeling of self-worth.

• A healthy lifestyle and physical and mental well-being.

• To bring Public School Education within the reach of common man’s children.

• Care and respect for people and the environment in a context of social, moral, multi-cultural and spiritual awareness.

• The ability to work as part of a team, developing sensitivity to other people’s needs and points of view.

• A responsibility for their own learning and actions.

• An awareness of the modern world, and an environmental and aesthetic appreciation of it.

• The ability and confidence to communicate effectively. This includes development of the key skills of literacy, numeracy and ICT.

• Asound scientific and technological understanding.

• The ability to understand and analyse information.

• The ability to apply knowledge and skills to solve problems.

• A creative and enquiring mind committed to life-long learning.

• Entry into Great Higher Education.


To assist students in imbibing global culture, the school lays special emphasis on total personality development. This will help students to develop capacity to analyse and enhance ability pertaining to practical problems and ultimately draw their own conclusions for meaningful action.

• Sprawling Lush Green pollution free vibrant Campus.

•Aesthetically developed & well ventilated.

• Blessed with a mystical ambience conducive for Learning. Air Conditioned class rooms.

• Homely environment for pre-primary kids.

• Highly qualified, experienced & dynamic teachers.

• Teaching learning process through Smart/Digital Classes & LCD Projector.

• Multimedia & Internet based Innovative Teaching and ComputerAided Learning.

• Quality Infrastructure for various indoor & outdoor games.

• Well—Stocked Library with a wide collection of books & CD’s on variety of subjects.

• Fully Equipped & Hi-tech Computer Lab, Language Lab, Maths Lab, Science Labs & SST Lab.

• Play way Method of learning.

•A state of Art Swimming Pool & Fountain.

• Exclusive classes for Music, Dance, Art & Craft.

• Fleet of Buses from all parts of Yamuna Nagar.

Contact Info

Pabni Road, Jagadhri,
Distt. Yamuna Nagar - 135 003
Haryana (INDIA),,
+91 839 605 3002,+91 839 605 3005,+91 972 987 3008